December 1, 2020
What began as a weekend getaway to Amish country for my wife Megen and I, ended “prematurely” with a trip to MetroHealth hospital for the surprise arrival of our daughter – Aubrie Wren Simpson!
With a due date near Christmas, we wanted to have a final (pandemic-safe) trip away together, but Aubrie had other plans. She arrived two holidays earlier than anticipated – Halloween night, weighing 4 lbs., 9 0z. It was certainly a day we will never forget, but we were thankful to make it to the hospital in time before Mom was in too much pain!
As of Thanksgiving, Aubrie is still at the NICU, but improving every day. We are hoping to have her home for the Christmas holiday. It has been difficult leaving her at the hospital every night, but we understand it is for the best. Once her lungs get stronger, she will be ready to cause us mischief at home! We can tell she is going to be a talker with all the noises she is already making. (She gets that from Dad!)
The past month has been the most incredible experience of my life thus far, and I am eager to begin the “post-hospital” chapter with her. We appreciate all the well wishes we’ve received thus far and perhaps you will all see her roaming around the office in the coming years. Who knows, we may have another budding financial advisor on our hands!