November 4, 2022
Hi there Alpha Planning family – Aubrie here checking in. I’ve had a busy rest of my summer, let me tell you! I’ve learned how to talk, run, sing and dance. My favorite song currently is “Wheels on the Bus.” I could listen to that on repeat all day long. For some reason, mom and dad start to get tired of it after awhile, but that’s their loss!
I just turned two this past week and it was quite an event! I’ve noticed that on both of my birthdays thus far, everyone I know dresses up in different costumes to help me celebrate! Now that I think of it, even people I don’t know are dressed up in costumes…Hmmm, I’ll have to find out why. I wonder if it has to do with that ‘Halloween’ word I’ve been hearing?
People around Northeast Ohio seem to grumble when the topic of fall arrives. If you ask me, it’s become my favorite season during my young life! When dad is outside blowing leaves in the yard, I like to run my fastest through all the piles. I can’t stop laughing when he points the leaf blower towards me and the wind almost knocks me over! As much as I try, I can’t yet outrun the wind, but I’m working on it. Dad doesn’t seem to enjoy the leaves as much when I watch him from the window – I think he likes his chores better when I am helping him. 😊
We’ve been hearing in my daycare gossip group that the word “snow” is frowned upon around these parts, as well. This was me in January:

The snow was so deep, it was up to my neck! Honestly, I can’t wait for the snow to arrive this year now that I am taller and wiser. I’ve been improving my throwing skills both left and right-handed all summer in preparation for snowball season. I’m trying to be ambidextrous!
Whether it’s snow or leaves, I love exploring with my hands and feeling the differences between hot and cold. This summer, I learned what an ice cube was, so it will be great fun to play in the winter wonderland again.
Well, it’s time to go and destroy a few more leaf piles. I hope everyone stays warm this fall and I plan to see all of you on my dad’s next video message for the holidays!
Until next time,
Aubrie Wren
Aubrie “Wren” like a bird “Cute”
Glad you pointed that out! I didn’t realize that. Very cute!